Curriculum vitae

Born in Pesaro, 10 May1967


  1. Ph.D. in Mathematics - Università di Bologna, 21 November 1996. Ph. D. Thesis title: "Sulla quantizzazione del gruppo Euclideo bidimensionale" (On the quantization of the two dimensional Euclidean group).
  2. Graduated in  Mathematics - Università di Bologna, 16 November 1990. Graduation  thesis about "Thermodinamic formalism and its applications to one dimensional dynamical  systems",  advisor Prof. M. Campanino. Top grades: 110/110 e lode.
  3. High school degree :Liceo Scientifico G. Marconi - Pesaro, July1985. Top grades: 60/60.
  1. Post-doc grant - Università di Bologna , 1997/98.
  2. I.N.d.A.M. senior  grant - 1996/97.
Professional training
  1. CIME School about Iwahori-Hecke algebras and Representation Theory - Martinafranca 1999.
  2. Instructive Congress on Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms - Edinburgh, 1996.
  3. European School of Group Theory - Valladolid (ES), 1995.
  4. European School of Group Theory - Sandbjerg (DK), 1994.
  5. European School of Group Theory - Trento, 1993.
  6. International School on Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations - Pisa, 1992.
  7. Summer school on  Algebraic Topology - Cortona, 1992.
Referee/Reviewer Various
  1. Project M.U.R.S.T. - young researcher - year 1999.
  2. Member of C.N.R. - G.N.S.A.G.A. Membro dell'AMS.
  3. Invited talks: Amsterdam, Ancona, Bologna, Genova, University of Kansas, Roma Tor Vergata, Torino, Twente, Valladolid.