Phone: +39-(0)75-585.5049 Fax: +39-(0)75-585.5024
Email: milani@unipg.it
Mail: Alfredo Milani
Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica
Universita' degli Studi di Perugia
Via Vanvitelli 1
06123 Perugia, Italy
Index: Abstract & Research Interests|
Laboratory Projects | Courses|
Planning Group
Abstract and Research Interests:
Alfredo Milani, is Associate Professor of Computer Science, and member
of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of University
of Perugia.
He received a Laurea in Science dell'Informazione from University of
Pisa, Italy in 1987, his thesis was awarded by Olivetti Inc.company. Since
1987 he was research fellow at National Research Council Institute for
Computational Linguistic, ILC-CNR, of Pisa Italy and professional consultant
of University of Pisa. In 1990 he obtained the position of tenured reasearcher
at Department of Matematics of University of Perugia. In 2001 he was appointed
Associate Professor of Computer Science at Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science of University of Perugia.
His reasearch interests
the area of Artificial Intelligence and focuses on automated planning and
evolutionary algorithms, with
applications to web based adaptive systems, image processing, and more
generally knowledge based technologies.
Research Laboratory:
Online demos
Plot-it! online plotting
of mathematical 2D/3D functions and curves
online plotting of mathematical 2D curves
online plotting of mathematical 3D curves and surfaces
online Task Network Compiler Planner, based on domain compilation technique
Teaching Activities
Current academic
year 2006-2007: Professor Alfredo Milani is on a sabbatical
see also ESTUDIUM e-learning